Track your issues and pull requests with the new GitHub dashboard

Jun 5, 2017

We’ve added a new integration to our growing list of tools that we support. In addition Jira, Trello, and Pivotal Tracker, you can now get a sleek dashboard for your GitHub issues too!

GitHub, a web-based hosting service for software development projects is the most popular code repository site for open source projects and an increasing number of businesses are also choosing to host their code at GitHub.

Developers love organising their work around the tools that GitHub offers such as issues and pull requests. After all, if you already use GitHub for managing your code why not track your tasks there as well?

With the recent introduction of GitHub projects, s simple Kanban board, it seems that GitHub is committed to providing better support for project management in addition to code management. Combined with the Screenful Metrics for GitHub, you have all you need to manage your agile process on top of GitHub. 

To test with a real data, we took a bunch of open source projects for analysis. As an example, here's a chart showing what has been done recently in the Angular project, our JS framework of choice. 

Wanna see this dashboard in action? Check out our GitHub dashboard demo.  

The GitHub integration is now available for all users. To create a dashboard using GitHub, select Create new dashboard from the Dashboards menu. You will be asked to authorise using your GitHub account.

Once you're through the GitHub OAuth flow, you get to choose a repository.

Your dashboard is created using data from the selected repository. You can add more repositories under the Repositories tab in the dashboard settings. 

We have a native desktop clients for Windows and Mac, and a TV mode so that you can easily rotate screens on a big monitor at the office.

Right now the dashboard shows metrics about issues and pull requests but we plan to include code metrics as well in the future.

This article was written by Sami Linnanvuo

Sami is the founder & CEO of Screenful, the company that turns data into visual stories. You can find him on Twitter.