Ahorre tiempo y dinero automatizando su informe de progreso.
Obtenga información útil a partir de los datos de sus tareas
Visualiza la productividad con facilidad
Obtenga instantáneamente información sobre productividad y detecte cuellos de botella. Realice seguimiento de la velocidad, el rendimiento, los tiempos de liderazgo y ciclo a nivel de equipo o para toda la organización. Vea cómo se realiza el trabajo en los números.
Visualiza la productividad con facilidad
Obtenga instantáneamente información sobre productividad y detecte cuellos de botella. Realice seguimiento de la velocidad, el rendimiento, los tiempos de liderazgo y ciclo a nivel de equipo o para toda la organización. Vea cómo se realiza el trabajo en los números.
Obtenga el valor en minutos con plantillas listas para usar
Cree gráficos e informes rápidamente utilizando plantillas que ahorran tiempo. Cree gráficos avanzados con un editor fácil de usar para satisfacer sus necesidades exactas. Obtenga más información sobre gráficos personalizados
Obtenga el valor en minutos con plantillas listas para usar
Cree gráficos e informes rápidamente utilizando plantillas que ahorran tiempo. Cree gráficos avanzados con un editor fácil de usar para satisfacer sus necesidades exactas. Obtenga más información sobre gráficos personalizados
Pronostica tu progreso
Ve las previsiones de entrega de tu trabajo basadas en datos históricos. Observa cuánto trabajo se ha completado y cuánto falta. Obtén previsiones para diferentes escenarios (probable, optimista, pesimista) Más información sobre la predicción de trabajo
Pronostica tu progreso
Ve las previsiones de entrega de tu trabajo basadas en datos históricos. Observa cuánto trabajo se ha completado y cuánto falta. Obtén previsiones para diferentes escenarios (probable, optimista, pesimista) Más información sobre la predicción de trabajo
Comparte y programa informes fácilmente
Comparta gráficos e informes con enlaces públicos/privados, o incruste en cualquier sitio web. Programa informes para enviar por correo electrónico o Slack. Aprender más sobre compartir
Comparte y programa informes fácilmente
Comparta gráficos e informes con enlaces públicos/privados, o incruste en cualquier sitio web. Programa informes para enviar por correo electrónico o Slack. Aprender más sobre compartir
Apreciado por líderes de la industria
Screenful was best in every category. It beautifully and simply highlights key agile metrics for our whole in-office team and any visiting stakeholders.
Jesse Fewell
Agile coach, writer, trainer
I love Screenful for its user-friendly interface and seamless integration to multiple data sources. The customer service is outstanding; they provided exceptional support whenever we needed it!
Tasnia Rehnuma Mahmud
Project Coordinator at Fashion Snoops
Outright best reporting tool. We have tried many different ones over the past 2 years, and none of them beats Screenful. The ability to build custom reports provides amazing capabilities for agile teams.
Akaki Meladze
Director of Engineering at Singular
Using visual boards without metrics misses the whole point of improving performance. Screenful is a must have tool for our Kanban.
Jaxon Klein
CEO & Co-founder at Keyo Inc.
We've been using Screenful for 13 months now and we can't say enough good things about it. The insight we have is invaluable to us and has helped us keep the delivery capacity at a steady temperature.
Fabien Arcellier
CTO & Co-founder at Stackeo
Screenful is a wonderful visualization tool that I use to illustrate to organizations why they should relentlessly focus on reducing lead time & cycle time, understand cumulative flow and decompose work.
Patrick Ingram
Enterprise Agility Consultant
Accenture is working with Screenful to roll out best practice agile metrics in minutes - allowing our world class delivery teams to be led by data.
Kit Friend
Business & Technology Innovation Senior Principle, Accenture UK
Screenful allows me to easily identify where I am spending time so that I can ensure I'm working on the right things. The weekly email is a great summary delivered right to my phone
Andy Wheeldon
Agile coach
Screenful was best in every category. It beautifully and simply highlights key agile metrics for our whole in-office team and any visiting stakeholders.
Jesse Fewell
Agile coach, writer, trainer
I love Screenful for its user-friendly interface and seamless integration to multiple data sources. The customer service is outstanding; they provided exceptional support whenever we needed it!
Tasnia Rehnuma Mahmud
Project Coordinator at Fashion Snoops
Outright best reporting tool. We have tried many different ones over the past 2 years, and none of them beats Screenful. The ability to build custom reports provides amazing capabilities for agile teams.
Akaki Meladze
Director of Engineering at Singular
Using visual boards without metrics misses the whole point of improving performance. Screenful is a must have tool for our Kanban.
Jaxon Klein
CEO & Co-founder at Keyo Inc.
We've been using Screenful for 13 months now and we can't say enough good things about it. The insight we have is invaluable to us and has helped us keep the delivery capacity at a steady temperature.
Fabien Arcellier
CTO & Co-founder at Stackeo
Screenful is a wonderful visualization tool that I use to illustrate to organizations why they should relentlessly focus on reducing lead time & cycle time, understand cumulative flow and decompose work.
Patrick Ingram
Enterprise Agility Consultant
Accenture is working with Screenful to roll out best practice agile metrics in minutes - allowing our world class delivery teams to be led by data.
Kit Friend
Business & Technology Innovation Senior Principle, Accenture UK
Screenful allows me to easily identify where I am spending time so that I can ensure I'm working on the right things. The weekly email is a great summary delivered right to my phone
Andy Wheeldon
Agile coach
"Really good looking views and easy setup. Ideal for providing open visibility for the progress across the company."
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De cero a valor en minutos con plantillas probadas
De cero a valor en minutos con plantillas probadas
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