Share a dashboard with anyone using the public share links

Nov 4, 2019

You can share a link to a Screenful dashboard to anyone, even if that person does not have a Screenful account. This is helpful when you have users who you do not want to give full access to your data but you want them to be able to view specific charts within your dashboard.

Users who follow the link can view the information in the shared dashboard but they are not allowed to access or change any settings of the dashboard.

Public share links also provide an easy and more secure way for displaying dashboard on a TV screen.

Sharing individual dashboard screens

You can get a URL of the currently viewed screen by clicking Share this view under the main menu. An input field is shown with the URL that allows copying the link to the clipboard.


You can share the URL with anyone who has access to your dashboard. When they follow the link, they will only see this one dashboard screen. Only those users who have access to the dashboard you are sharing will be able to view it. Even if you mistakenly share the URL to someone outside of your company, they won’t be able to see your data

You can also share any individual dashboard screen to those who don’t have login credentials by sending them a public share link. To make a share link public, check the Enable link sharing option (click the image to enlarge).


Users who access via a public share link, are shown a simplified version of the UI. They can only view the data but they cannot access any settings or modify information in any way.

The URL is randomised so that it’s nearly impossible to guess it. However, anyone with a link can see the shared dashboard so share the link with only those who you trust!

Warning: once a link is made public, anyone with the link can access the dashboard in a read-only mode. You can disable the link anytime by unchecking the “Enable link sharing” checkbox.

Notice that if you disable a share link, it will be disabled permanently. If you enable sharing again, a new share link is always generated and all previous links generated by the same user remain disabled.

Sharing the whole dashboard

You can share the whole dashboard by getting a share link under the Sharing tab in the Dashboard settings.


Users who follow the link can view the information in the shared dashboard but they are not allowed to access or change any settings of the dashboard.

if you disable a share link, it will be disabled permanently. If you enable sharing again, a new share link is always generated and all previous links generated by the same user remain disabled.

Setting up a dashboard on a TV screen

You can avoid having to log in as any specific user by constructing a public share link to your dashboard. It is a link that allows anyone to access the dashboard in a read-only mode without logging in. It is recommended to use this kind of link when displaying dashboard on a TV screen.


Learn more about displaying dashboard on a TV screen and see the step by step tutorial for setting up the hardware.

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This article was written by Sami Linnanvuo

Sami is the founder & CEO of Screenful, the company that turns data into visual stories. You can find him on Twitter.