Common questions
Is there a way to specify the frequency of rotation in TV mode?
Yes, you can do so under the Account ► Settings tab.
Alternatively, you can use an URL parameter interval to set the frequency. The value is in seconds. For example parameters ?mode=tv&interval=60 rotates screens every 60 seconds.
Can I create a direct link so that I can skip the login screen?
You can skip the login screen by constructing a shareable link to your dashboard.
You can launch Screenful directly to TV mode by adding the parameter mode=tv in the end of the URL
My share link was disabled, can I activate it again?
Notice that if you disable a share link, it will be disabled permanently. If you enable sharing again, a new share link is always generated and all previous links generated by the same user remain disabled. If you have configured the share link to be used in the TV screen, you’ll have to update that link.
Can I include my own content to the rotation?
You can rotate your own content along with Screenful dashboard by using a digital signage software such as ScreenCloud or truDigital.
What hardware would you recommend when using Screenful in big monitor / office TV?
You can use any hardware that runs a modern web browser. A mini-computer such as an Android dongle or a Rasberry Pi can be used for rotating Screenful dashboards. Just make sure your chosen hardware can run 24/7 without interruption.
What is the recommended colour theme when using TV mode?
We recommend using either Black or Dark Blue. You can select colour theme in Account ► Settings.