Open items

The Open Items insights tab shows you how much work you have across projects. It enables you to see the distribution of the open items within a time period, spot trends, and adjust your workflows to avoid wasteful activities.

Keep track of the number of open work items

Keep track of the number of open work items

The chart shows the number of tasks/points that are not started or in progress.

This chart shows if there is an overall decrease or increase in the number of open items.

See the distribution of open items by type

See the distribution of open items by type

The type of open items chart shows the number of tasks/points that are not started or in progress at the moment. It tells you what type of activities will likely take most of your time.

With this chart, you can group the open items by priority, epic, label, group, tag, etc.

Monitor the overall trend of your open items

Monitor the overall trend of your open items

The open items trend shows the trend of different activities over time.

Are you spending more time on meaningful activities and less time on doing rework or fixing bugs?

Slice & dice per board, epic, label, assignee...

Slice & dice per board, epic, label, assignee...

The open items trend shows the trend of different activities over time.

Are you spending more time on meaningful activities and less time on doing rework or fixing bugs?