We’ve listened to our users - Epic Cards v3 is out 🚀
Jul 31, 2019
Our free Epic Cards Power-Up has been extremely well received by the Trello community and the positive feedback we get is continuous. Some of the feedback include feature requests and we are happy to announce that a new version is now out that delivers some of the most wanted features including:
Display the epic name on the card front
See a summary of epics per board
Assign task to an epic from within the epic card
Assign a list of cards to an epic at once
Read on to learn about these improvements in more detail.
Displaying the epic name on the card front
Probably the most popular feature request has been the ability to quickly see which epic a card belongs to if it belongs to any.
We have now added a small badge on the card front to display the name of the epic that card belongs to. The badge is only visible if that card belongs to an epic. This feature can be enabled in the Settings in the Power-Up menu on the top right corner. It is not enabled by default as we want to give you the ability to control how epics are shown on your cards.

Clicking through to epics from the Power-Up menu
The Power-Up menu on the top right now shows a list of all the epics the cards on that board are assigned to, and the total amount of cards per epic. The epics shown in the list are clickable links that lead to the epic card when clicked.
The new menu gives a quick overview of all the epics related to a board and an access to those epics within two clicks.
Assigning card to an epic within the epic card
Previously the only way to assign a task card to an epic was to do it from the task card only. While the solution might be good enough for some type of workflows, it is certainly not optimal as you may end up having to jump between cards constantly.
Assigning cards to an epic can now be done from the epic card as well. You simply click the Add to Epic button on the back of the card to search for a card to be assigned to that epic.

The search engine is our custom crafted one, which lets you either paste in a url for a card, or just type in some letters to search for cards on your team’s boards that have the Epic Cards Power-Up enabled. Clicking any card on search results assigns that card for the epic.
Assigning a whole list of cards to an epic at once
In addition to assigning a single card to an epic, multiple cards can be added at once using our new list action capability. Hovering over the three dots of any list now gives the option to assign all the cards in that list to an epic.

How do I get this update?
If you have been using the Epic Cards lately, you have already been using the new version. It is automatically made available for everyone using the Power-Up. If you’re not using it already, you can install it on your board now!
Also check out our free Power-Ups. We have a whole suite of free Trello add-ons that help you to manage projects of any bigger size with Trello. They are all free so you can just add them to your board!
Let us know if you have questions or feedback by contacting hello@screenful.com. To stay on the loop, read our blog, or follow us on LinkedIn.

This article was written by Ville Piiparinen
Ville is the Power-Up Developer of Screenful, the company that turns data into visual stories.