Adjusting the report layout

Adjusting the report layout

Adjusting the report layout

You can customize your reports by adjusting the layout and the color theme. You can also add your company logo to the report footer. This guide shows how to customize your reports.

You can customize your reports by adjusting the layout and the color theme. You can also add your company logo to the report footer. This guide shows how to customize your reports.

You can customize your reports by adjusting the layout and the color theme. You can also add your company logo to the report footer. This guide shows how to customize your reports.

Adding columns to a report

The content in a report can be in one or two columns. One chart can take the whole width, or you can set any two charts next to each other. You can also mix them with the text blocks so you can have two custom charts in the same row, or two text blocks, or charts and text blocks mixed.

To split a row into two columns, hover over either sides of an existing chart, click the “+” button and select Add a new chart:

A modal is opened with a set of chart templates. You can either use one of the existing charts, create a new chart from the template gallery, or create a new chart from scratch.

Adjust the charts with quick menus

Some of the charts display grouped data. You can change the grouping by selecting a property from the Group by menu:

If a chart displays time-based data, you can adjust the date range:

Notice that the length of the available history depends on the plan. For trial accounts, it is six months.