How to add new data sources to existing dashboards?

How to add new data sources to existing dashboards?

How to add new data sources to existing dashboards?

If your tasks are scattered across several boards or projects, you may want to combine the data from multiple sources into a single chart.

If your tasks are scattered across several boards or projects, you may want to combine the data from multiple sources into a single chart.

If your tasks are scattered across several boards or projects, you may want to combine the data from multiple sources into a single chart.

Adding new data sources

You can add a new board or project to your dashboard by clicking on AddAdd new data source under the main menu. If the source is not already added, click add new data source

You’ll be prompted to authorise your tool. Once you’re through the authorisation process, you get to choose which screens in your dashboard should get this new data source.

Click Save and return to dashboard to complete the process.

The newly added source is now visible. You can see that a new source has been added by looking at the upper left corner of your screen.

When you add a new data source to an existing dashboard, a new dashboard is created for that data source, and it is added as a source to the current dashboard. The new dashboard becomes available in the Dashboards menu.

Removing data sources

Removing data sources

Adjust the charts with quick menus

Some of the charts display grouped data. You can change the grouping by selecting a property from the Group by menu:

If a chart displays time-based data, you can adjust the date range:

Notice that the length of the available history depends on the plan. For trial accounts, it is six months.