Screenful FAQ
Do you take into account time estimates in GitLab?
Yes, you can choose to use hours instead of issue count by selecting Hours as the unit in the chart editor.
Related questions
Yes except that you won’t be able to use data from epics or issue weights since those are available only in a paid GitLab plans.
Yes except that you won’t be able to use data from epics or issue weights since those are available only in a paid GitLab plans.
The timings are based on your workflow settings. You can learn more from the Lead Time FAQ.
The timings are based on your workflow settings. You can learn more from the Lead Time FAQ.
Yes, you can filter the data shown so that either issues, merge requests, or both are included in the stats by setting a filter.
Yes, you can filter the data shown so that either issues, merge requests, or both are included in the stats by setting a filter.
Yes, you can group and filter data by iterations. You can also create a burndown chart for tracking a Gitlab iteration.
Yes, you can group and filter data by iterations. You can also create a burndown chart for tracking a Gitlab iteration.