💊 Reports on Steroids part 4: Show date range menu in reports, new templates and dark mode

💊 Reports on Steroids part 4: Show date range menu in reports, new templates and dark mode

Oct 1, 2024

This is the fourth release in a series related to improvements for our reports feature. You can find the notes of the previous releases here:

Reports on Steroids part 1: Configurable summaries
Reports on Steroids part 2: Introducing the new report editor
Reports on Steroids part 3: Send to selected users, new colors, and more

More good stuff for our reports users. Here are some things we have been working on recently to improve our reporting capabilities. You can now choose to display a date range menu when you place a chart in a report. We have also added some new chart and report templates, and a dark mode!

Show date range menu in reports

You can now choose to include a date range menu when a chart is displayed in a report or via a public share link. You can enable the menu in the chart settings. First, open a report for editing, and then select Chart settings from the three dots menu:

Use the toggle to enable the date range menu:

The menu is displayed above the chart. The default selection is the same as what is selected in the chart editor but user can switch the date range without having to go to the editor:

When date range menu is enabled in a chart, it is also shown when the chart is shared with a public share link.

New report templates

We have released two new report templates to help you stay on track with the work currently in progress - Work due and Work in progress:

These reports provide instant visibility on work overdue or due soon, blocked, reopened, or stuck. You can also track how much work is allocated for the future for each team member.

Dark mode reports

If you prefer viewing the report in dark mode, we've got you covered. In the report settings, you’ll find the Dark mode slider:

When you click the slider, the report switches to the dark mode. In this mode, all charts within the report are automatically switched to dark mode.

Bug fixes and UX improvements

We've done a lot of bug fixes and UX improvements to our chart and report editors. The editing experience is smoother (no more lost charts!). Here's the updated guide for adding charts to reports.

That’s it for this release. As always, we’d love to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to contact us anytime if you have questions or feedback.

To give it a try with your own data, sign up for a free 14-day trial

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