Using Custom fields in Asana

Using Custom fields in Asana

Using Custom fields in Asana

If you have added custom fields to your Asana project, they will be automatically imported and made available in your charts. You can use them for:

  • Assigning estimates for tasks

    • Set size, story points, hours, fibonacci numbers - whatever you use in estimating effort

    • Track sprints and milestones using estimates

  • Grouping and filtering by a custom field

    • See the number of open/completed tasks per custom field

    • See total estimated work per custom fields

    • Track metrics like lead & cycle times per custom field

Once you add a field to a project, it is imported during the next data sync (the data is synced automatically once per hour and you can trigger sync manually anytime at the integration settings).

Once synced, your Drop down custom fields become available for grouping and filtering data. Number custom fields can be used for e.g. assigning estimates, or other kind of weights such as monetary value for individual tasks. 

Other field types such as Text can be used as columns in the Task list chart.

If you have added custom fields to your Asana project, they will be automatically imported and made available in your charts. You can use them for:

  • Assigning estimates for tasks

    • Set size, story points, hours, fibonacci numbers - whatever you use in estimating effort

    • Track sprints and milestones using estimates

  • Grouping and filtering by a custom field

    • See the number of open/completed tasks per custom field

    • See total estimated work per custom fields

    • Track metrics like lead & cycle times per custom field

Once you add a field to a project, it is imported during the next data sync (the data is synced automatically once per hour and you can trigger sync manually anytime at the integration settings).

Once synced, your Drop down custom fields become available for grouping and filtering data. Number custom fields can be used for e.g. assigning estimates, or other kind of weights such as monetary value for individual tasks. 

Other field types such as Text can be used as columns in the Task list chart.

If you have added custom fields to your Asana project, they will be automatically imported and made available in your charts. You can use them for:

  • Assigning estimates for tasks

    • Set size, story points, hours, fibonacci numbers - whatever you use in estimating effort

    • Track sprints and milestones using estimates

  • Grouping and filtering by a custom field

    • See the number of open/completed tasks per custom field

    • See total estimated work per custom fields

    • Track metrics like lead & cycle times per custom field

Once you add a field to a project, it is imported during the next data sync (the data is synced automatically once per hour and you can trigger sync manually anytime at the integration settings).

Once synced, your Drop down custom fields become available for grouping and filtering data. Number custom fields can be used for e.g. assigning estimates, or other kind of weights such as monetary value for individual tasks. 

Other field types such as Text can be used as columns in the Task list chart.

Assigning estimates for tasks

To set estimates using a custom field, add a custom field to your Asana project. Then assign a value for each of the tasks in your Asana project. The default value is zero if no value is given. 

Screenful will automatically make all Number fields available in the Unit field in the chart settings. If you have a Drop down field that you'd like to use as a unit, you can change the field mapping

Learn more about assigning estimates to Asana tasks.

Grouping and filtering by a custom field

Custom fields that are of type Drop down become available in the group by menus so you can use them for grouping data in the charts. Here's an example how they can be used for grouping in the Open tasks chart:

This chart is grouped by Product Category, a drop-down custom field added to the Asana project. The breakdown overlay shows the number of open tasks per Category.

Here are the steps required to produce this chart:

  1. Add a Drop-down custom field named Product Category to your Asana project

  2. Add available categories (drop down options for the custom field)

  3. For each task in your Asana project, select one of the categories from the Category menu

  4. In Screenful, select Product Category from the Group by menu

This is just an example of how you can extend Asana's core features using custom fields, in this case assigning tasks to Categories. You can probably think of many other uses for custom fields!